
Showing posts from 2018

My Blog's First Birthday!

Today is my blog's first birthday! I really haven't done very many blog posts, but  hopefully that will change :) In celebration I will post some pictures. Updated picture of Moby Moby sleeping on the clean dog washing Just went into my room and found him sleeping on my bed! Clover and her puppies Also I have some news................. I'm getting glasses!  Well, I hope you like the pictures. Bye for now Estella Kate

Happy New Year!

It 2018! And this is my first post this year. Well, my new year has been busy. We went down to Melbourne for a conference and had so much fun! my guinea-pig is having babies as I write this! My dog is also going to have babies soon! There is going to be babies everywhere!!! I have been thinking what else I can do with my blog, and one thing I thought was I could do a Choose Your Own Adventure Story. Which is where I write a little bit of a story and give you three options of what could happen next, Then I write the next bit using the option picked, and so on  until it ends. Please tell me if you think this a good idea ( The story may not be that good as I am not really good at writing the story down.) Well, must go now And maybe check my guinea-pig. God Bless Estella Kate