Guardians of Allura, After the Beginning

Here's another short story. This one comes after Guardians of Allura #1 and before #2. I wrote this because someone I know keeps asking about this series, particularly these characters, so til I write the books here you go.

Faith peeked in; Midnight sat staring into the fire in the centre of the room. The burning red flame danced within its ice crystal prison and lit the cave with a blue light.

"Midnight." Faith called.

The black werewolf turned to her with a rustle of wings. "Yes?"

"I going to the village, would you like to come?" She asked.

Midnight rose and came to stand beside her in the entrance to the cave. "You know I have to watch the Door."

"You’re always watching the Door, I'm sure you can leave it for a little while." Faith said brushing her furry wing against his.

He looked at her and replied, "I made a promise and I must keep it."

Faith sighed, "Fang." she called out.

The young werewolf scrambled from the back of the cave, tripped over his wings, and tumbled across the floor bouncing to a halt at his parents’ feet. He looked up at them, "What?"

Midnight chuckled, "Your Mother is going to the village, would you like to join her?"

Fang quickly untangled himself and bounced to his feet. "Yes!"

Faith smiled, "Ok, let’s go then."

Fang ran ahead of Faith and rushed through the trees. The faint path to the village was rarely used as Faith and Midnight flew there most of the time, but Fang was still growing into his wings, so the path was the best option.

Overhead some birds squawked and the sun peek through the dense canopy. When they had walked for a while the sounds and smells of the village began to greet them.

Fang disappeared around the bend in the path when Faith rounded the corner he had already run to play with the other pups.

The village was a simple clearing in front of a mountain. The caves that speckled the cliff face were the homes to many of the werewolf pack. In the centre of the clearing was a fire and ice sculptor of a young elf. Alicia. The friend of all werewolves.

Out of one of the caves a white wolf head appeared. It spotted Faith and quickly the white werewolf was wheeling through the air toward her. She alighted on the grass in front of her.

"Faith!" she said with a smile, "It's been awhile since you've been here!"

Faith returned the smile, "Elisabeth! Yes, it has been awhile. How are things going here?"

"Good, it's been quite." Together they walked to the centre of the village. Faith glanced over to Fang, who was playing with five other werewolf pups. They sat beneath the sculptor and talked.

Elisabeth looked up at the sky. Dark clouds had begun to gather overhead, blocking the sun and casting a shadow over the village. "That's strange." she said.

"Yes, it is." Faith agreed getting to her feet. "It was sunny before." Slowly the sky was filled with a dark menacing storm clouds , and the soft breeze was beginning to blow harder.

Elisabeth looked at Faith. "Somethings not right." The wind was howling now, there was not a ray of sunlight to be seen.

Faith quickly looked around for Fang. Suddenly the sound of laughter echoed through the village.

Elisabeth's eyes widen in fear. "Ashera!"

Franticly Faith searched for Fang. "Fang!" she cried over the wind.

"Mum!" Fang appeared from one of the caves.

"Fang, run home now!" Faith turned to Elisabeth.

"Go!" Elisabeth told her, "Get Fang out of here, and warn Midnight."

Fang was already running toward to path. Faith turned and bolted after him. She quickly caught up to him. Spreading her wings, she picked him up in her jaw and launched into the air.

Faith sat by the cave waiting for Midnight to return. He soon appeared walking from the trees, the expression on his face told her he did not have good news.

She rushed to meet him. "What happened?"

Midnight looked her in the eyes and answered, "They're all gone."

Tell me in the comments! Did you enjoy this?

Estella Kate


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